Saturday, March 3, 2007

Name this Blog

Here it goes.......... Now that we have lost Slammer ( We miss you Man!) It's time to start a blog where "We the People of Evansville can make our voices heard" Most of the discussion here will be local and state politics and issues I believe affect us the taxpayers and my take on them. You will however find occasional bits of sports, humor, neighborhood happenings and Madonna Marketing.

Now I need your help. I am having trouble coming up with a fitting name. So I am having a Name this Blog contest. I know there are plenty of people out there who are much more creative than I. So please submit and submit often. I will then have the 3 people who will read this Blog vote. Majority rules.

There are some very interesting things going on in our Community. I can't wait to hear your thoughts.


slammer said...

I think you already have it.


Anonymous said...

Here are a few suggestions:

(1) Feed the bodies to the hogs
(2) This runaway girl's life
(3) Uhhm I think it's stuck
(4) Evansville Police Department Complaint Center
(5) My Blah-blah-blog
(6) Beer, Bitches & Ballbusters
(7) TKB (Tappa Kegga Beer)- Evansville Chapter
(8) Sugar Nipples House of Verbal Love
(9) Let's play Just the Tip
(10)My 4th Crap today, I should really see a doctor
(11) Shitting in one's mouth and calling it a Sundae
(12) Pay Attention to me
(13) It puts the lotion on its skin
(14) Plaid underwear circus
(15) Lesbians, lesbians, lesbians...& lube
(16) Evansville Conservatives for Hilary
(17) I like pizza
(18) Poop Parlor
(19) My favorite cereal is Luck Charms
(20) Dead girls don't mind
(21) This dog has fleas
(22) Prose from Kerouac this is not
(23) Fix me a turkey pot pie bitch
(24) We are all going to get laid
(25) Dangerfield's house of free soup

Ok I'm spent. That took a whole 3 minutes. Time for some shower loving, party of one. Oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

How about:

No more secrets.

Say it like it is.

Out there in plain daylight for everyone to see.

Looking for a lawsuit.

Rex said...

I like Beer, Bitches and Ballbusters. I am however going to be a bit PC on this one. I know it's not like me but I really want to get good posts going about the goings that effect the people of Evansville.

Anonymous said...

Then it should have evansville wi in the name, so people who google evansville blog sites can find it

Anonymous said...

Fine here is your name:

"The Blog in Evansville, WI about getting the posts going, but sort of PC , but not that PC, that let's you talk about rumors and stuff so it is sort of like a local tabloid."

Rolls right off the tongue.

Anonymous said...

You said it

The Evansville Tabloid

Anonymous said...

The Evansville Tabloid...have to admit it, sounds pretty good. Hey and you might be able to get the fat housewives who sit at home and watch soap operas until it is time for them to go bitch at a school board meeting about how there should be a half-day kindergarten because their husbands make good money and they want to see their kids in the afternoon because their "stories" are over. It's a win-win situation.

slammer said...

last anon - awesome

Anonymous said...

Or you might be able to get the middle-aged, bald, pot-bellied, beer guzzling, foul mouthed men who'd rather sit in front of a computer blogging than spend time with their kids.

Anonymous said...

How about:

1)My own biggest fan

2)Shut up I can't hear myself speak

3)I'm right and your opinion sucks

Anonymous said...

i have to say, anonymous #1 astounds me with his wit. if only we could all be so blessed with such an amazing ability to spew poop and sex jokes.

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm not bald.

Anonymous said...

......and I don't have a pot belly