Friday, February 8, 2008

Capital Times to Stop Publishing

GOOD. Click here for the story from Channel3000.

One less member of the liberal media.


Anonymous said...

Halleleujah! Wouldn't it be wonderful if one corporation could control all of the media content and we could go about life as Happy Robotic Republican Drones doing what we are told and not having to deciper confusing facts and any dissenting opinions! Those small voices of dissent that present pesky facts that differ from major media sources drive me crazy!

Bill Clinton should have done more in the 90's to put the media in the control of just one corporation. The Telecommunications Act 1996 didn't go far enough!

Anonymous said...

so fuckin' what

Anonymous said...

Yeah, So Fuckin' what. Free thinking fuckin' libs! Just tell me what Rush wants me to do and I'll do it! Fuck thoughts & ideas!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to come fish in Lake Leota this summer. I hear you fine folks in Evansville are gonna finance the dredging and filling of the lake with LOTS of fish. So good of you. I always knew there was lots of money in Evansville. Must be those fine folks who work for the unions at Woodmans and GM.
Does Baker's have a Union yet? Or do they still hang at Union.....

slammer said...

Libs can't read, or is it they are too lazy??

I thought having the afternoon paper was a great idea, most of them do not do a thing until after 11:00, maybe we need a government program to give them the $.50 to buy a paper daily.

I can't believe they are laying off workers!! is that not the Republican way of doing business??