Thursday, April 24, 2008

Did You Catch the Real Coffee Ad ?

If not it read like this...........

This will be the final advertising dollar we will spend at the Review, until apologies to Mary Weigand are published prominently, a clear editorial page is established and there is a demonstrated commitment to unbiased reporting. We are tired of the homophobia and shoddy journalism.

You've got to hand it to them. They are standing up for what they believe in. I'm guessing Kelly or Tammy won't be getting any free coffee any time soon.


Anonymous said...

I think you should know that Kelly G. has been posting on here. I have worked with her on a # of projects. It's the way she writes, it is her attitude.

I don't have a problem with her posting good for her. But you would think since she thinks she is always correct she would at least post her name.

I agree with the coffee shop, she should have posted the editorial she did, I don't have a problem with that but she should have said this is not the Mary Weigand from Evansville. That is just the right thing to do in a small town, on such a hot topic for some.

I personally have not gotten to take a look at the ad, I don't buy the review. I have not in a long time.

I do know Mary though and she is a nice person who had done a lot for this community .

Kelly is not as well liked as she seems to think she is.

Anonymous said...

We have a coffee shop in our deserted downtown? If you would have asked Chasin' she would tell you that it is not really in teh downtown somehow.

Anonymous said...

What I am curious about is did anyone else read Kelly's crap in the paper.The thing that really got my attention was she said there was a letter circulating among select people. I was told it is a letter urging business's not to do business with the review.

I am kind of hurt that I am not one of the select few. I am always left out.

I do think kelly just should of apologized for not clarifying. If it had been her name signed to a topic like that, and there were two of her, god help us.

She would expect someone to say , hey that is not the same lady who runs the review.

But she can not do the same for someone who has lived in this town for years.

Some one who taught at the school.

Some one who volunteers for numerous things in town.

We canceled our subscrip to the review. We have never been very impressed with it. Everything you need to know about any meetings you can get on line. Then you get that stupid flyer from them in the mail any way, and half the paper is in that.

We like living in a smaller town but I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

the review's behavior was bad.

Anonymous said...

can anyone post the review letter that everyone is talking about? i dont live in Evansville any longer but keep up with stuff online. And whatever was in the Review must have been a dandy of a letter.
Give me the scoop on the hot topic of the letter,
that Kelly neglected to check out the author.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know how to with out jeff doing it himself we could post it on this site. It would have to be scanned and then put in.

Try to recap quickly without spelling or grammar errors.

A Mary Weigand sent a letter to the editor encouraging parents to keep their kids home on April 25, for the 'day of silence' . Stating she felt it was a group trying to promote homosexuality.

Well there happens to be a actual Mary Weigand here in Evansville. The Mary that sent in this letter to the editor was not from Eville.

The Mary Weigand here in eville took a lot of crap because of the letter.

It's not that Kelly did not check out the editor of the letter. Which
she did not.

It was that she knew this was not the Mary Weigand from Eville and did not clarify when they let this letter be published.

Not only that but the review is trying to play victim in all of this.

They never said they were sorry to the mary weigand here in Eville.

as usual kelly is playing the victim.

no one feels for her at all.

o.k. this sounds like a damn soap opera does it not.

Anonymous said...

It actually sounds as you have an issue with kelly and the review.

does it not?