Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Former City Administrator" Bill Connors Whines Yet Again

Click here for the post on the Observer. More Blah Blah Blah.

I could start a weekly column.............. Whining by "Former City Administrator" Bill Conn0rs.

Smart Growth is an ever changing plan Bill. Who knows what will happen day to day year to year decade to decade.

Just because the original ordinance was done under your watch doesn't make it right.


Anonymous said...

Actually, it was a pretty good ordinance that should never have been let lapse. This is a stop-gap ordinance.

Anonymous said...

Chasin down, Bill to go.
Should this be call the 'bullyin' site?

Anonymous said...

To Anon #1: It was the previous ordinance that was the stop-gap. Why? Because it had a sunset provision. That suggests pretty strongly it couldn't get the support to be permanent.

To Anon #2: As Teddy Roosevelt would have said, "Bully for Jeff."

Rex said...

In all reality the market will decide. I still like my 50 and over community idea. Where's Del Webb when you need him?

Bullyin'????? I just stated my take on the subject. She was more than welcome to come on my site and counter. (No Registration Required)

Anonymous said...

Seriously Jeff, what do you have against Mr.Connors? From what I have read on your blogs, you have a pretty charmed life.

I should be the one gripin about him. He allowed a citgo to go in my front yard.

Have you ever met him?

Rex said...

I have nothing against Bill. I have met him on numerous occasions both professionally and socially.

I understand that Bill is educated and that he is a lawyer. This does not make him right. He like you, me and the "The Rock" has opinions that I may or may not agree with.

My issue is he seems to believe that what took place during his tenure is so much better than what has taken place since.

I will again ask the question.

What of any significance did Bill accomplish while employed as the City Administrator?

I'm not saying he didn't do his job. I am saying maybe it's time to look ahead and quit looking back. Times change and we need to roll with them.